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Kailé Grant is one of the multitalented daughters of House Music producer Roy Jazz Grant. This little lady with a giant sized love for the arts has always been mesmerized by the musical scene. Whether it be the vocal heroics of broadway super stars or the captivating lines of the newest blockbuster film. 


Kailé engulfs such a multifaceted flower of talent. From her early years of modeling which dwindled with industry professionals exclaiming that she didn't have the right 'stature' for this particular game. To the main stage lights of her High School drama productions, where she would stand larger than life. Kailé breaks barriers and continues to draw lines in the sand. 


 The young vocal power house certainly stands above the crowd releasing her passion as 'Vocal Beauty' to the'Production Beast' on the GT Nuance powerhouse team.


Kailé is currently in the studio with pen in hand embraced, as though it were a wand from one of her favorite Harry Potter movies. Preparing to make magic for the new year ahead. There's no telling what musical gem she has in store for the House Music family but one thing is for sure.....its going to be Larger Than Life!

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